We Know Your Pain

There is nothing quite as agonizing as trying to present your work.

If you’ve ever broken out in a cold sweat when someone asks, “Do you have a portfolio?” 


Well, you’re our people. And we feel you.

Hot Take

Putting together your own portfolio sucks.

The moment you sit down to draw up your portfolio, it’s as though every bright idea, every cool and clever thing you’ve ever done as a creative just…evaporates. And all that stands before you is a heaping pile of 💩.


That’s the burden of being a professional perfectionist creative. You sit down to collect your beautiful work. Head over to Google to start the search for inspira—BAMM! You’re not even present anymore, and your brain floods with anxiety, self-doubt, and hopelessness over how what lies on your hard drive is nothing like these glossy pages. And all your best, most relevant work is in progress.

Is This You?

Perfectionists don't post portfolios.

They sit on them.

It’s near impossible not to be precious about your portfolio. Your team put blood, sweat, and tears into it. (We know how that is, been there, done that—made the t-shirts, too.)


You Can't Be Everything to Everyone

If there is anything worse than gaslighting, it is gaslighting yourself.

The design industry has gaslit all creatives into thinking, “I must become a swiss army knife.” 


You don’t like it when leads dive into your inbox and assume you can be it all: designer, developer, strategist, copywriter, etc.


So, why are you doing it to yourself?

Each role has a distinct set of skills, expertise, and nuance. Trying to take every role on by yourself or stretching your team thin getting your “on-the-business-work” done by your in-house team is making things bleeeeeeeeeeeh. [our brains died here *insert tombstone*] 🧠🪦

Better Portfolio = Better Clients

You’re spending valuable time focusing on the client who pays the bills.

We get it. We’ve done it. It’s important.

The clients you’re serving now are great, but they’re not ideal. You’re doing good work but are too busy serving the “okay clients” to go after dream clients.

But you won’t land your dream client when you’re showing off three-year-old case studies you threw together in a rush.

Outsource that shit

Outsourcing: the secret weapon every creative craves.

You can’t stop doing great work for your clients. In addition to being bad business, it just feels icky. So we would never suggest cutting corners with clients to get your own work done. You need to outsource that shit.

Outsourcing is that secret weapon we know exists and can’t wait to use. Sometimes you need to get out of your head to get out of your way. By outsourcing the creation of your portfolio, you’re allowing yourself the time and space to focus on building your business and making connections. You’re allowing your team the time and space to focus on delivering stellar results to your clients, creating more satisfaction and better work to showcase. (Win-win-winning!)

Who are we?

We're here to save your day year.

ZAMPxCHEW is a collaborative effort between ZAMP Industries and Chewmarks


We have joined forces to help you finally confront your portfolio paralysis.

Rachel Zampino

Rachel Zampino

Designer, developer, portfolio puppetmaster

Rachel is sad when she sees people’s fantastic work hiding on their hard drives.
Brandy Wright

Brandy Wright

Brand Strategist, copywriter, portfolio poet

Brandy is sad when she sees the ingenious work of the behind-the-scenes gang go unspoken.
The Results

What we can do for you!

Peace of Mind

Eliminate the mental overload. Keep burnout at bay.

Streamlined Process

Get set up to keep your portfolio up-to-date: All year round.


Land leads instead of leaving them on the table.

What We Do

So...how does it work?

Ready to get some distance from your work? Get out of your head, release control and let us take the wheel. We got you.


We will take the abundance of items weighing you down, pull them out of your brain, perform our sorcery, turn them around and give them back to you as a beautifully clean, functional site for showcasing your work.


You’ve got enough on your mind. Outsource the thinking, reduce your overwhelm.

Might include...
—Discovery Sessions
—Brand Strategy
—Business Therapy


Building out your case studies. Turning piles of files and tangled tangents into copy and visuals.

Might include...
—Mockup Creation
—Projects Curation


Actually building out the stuff. You know. So you and your team don’t have to.

Might include...
—Web Design
—Web Development
—File Organization
—Templates and Frameworks

Contact Us

Ready to stop dreading your agency's portfolio?

Leave us your deets and we will reach out to you!